This is a very old pic of a birthday party for my dog, Rose (centre) The cake was a Christmas cake, covered in marzipan, with marzipan roses, for the 'guests'. There is a pastry figure behind the cake which, as I recall had Bovril in it, for the dogs. The relevance of this pic is in the word BIRTHDAY!
( I've just had a shock! when I went into blogger to post this noticed I have followers! I was just going to tell a few close friends I have posted this, and not bother with a pic, but I have put in an old pic in recognition of people looking at this! thank you, both!)
The blog has lapsed after a number of poorly attended fairs which caused me to cut back activities. Despite that, the Vintage Bazaar at Edzell continues to draw in a public that wants to buy and stall holders whose goods are attractive to buyers!
After a recent Series of (hardly) Remarkable Events, I realised the easiest way to recount the apparently never ending saga was to write it down in one place, where anyone who is interested can follow the instalments - or bypass the lot if they prefer!
Near the end of May I looked forward to a new, small, local fair, after I had endured a horrible week of sewage trouble, only made worse by a neighbour who doesn't feel he needs to share shared responsibilities. Annoyingly, his household has proved to be the source of our shared problems on a number of occasions, so I was keen to obliterate all thoughts of the irresponsible and disgusting man with the plans for an indoor / outdoor market. I believe in the 'layers of the onion' principle to blank out annoying thoughts with better ones - maybe the formation of a pearl is a better image, but onions have lots of layers and some irritants need a lot of covering!
The market turned out to be a lovely day out for me although it was very poorly attended and I sold nothing. The weather was good, the people were friendly and there were hopes for better advertising and organisation for future, regular events. I took JRT Tilly to the park for a 'picnic' on the way home and stopped off to post a birthday card to an - obviously - young, former schoolfriend.
After a day on my feet I often have an excruciating pain in two toes, and such was the case that day, so I limped along to the former post office to post my card. I knew that Royal Mail Sunday collections stopped some time ago, but hoped to be in line for first pick up on Monday. I discovered that despite being outside the RM sorting office, the post boxes were sealed and had belatedly followed the post office counters to a new venue, some distance down the street. I limped along to the new PO, only to find it it had no outdoor letterbox, and the indoor one was unavailable while the shop was shut, so I limped down another street where the letter box declared "next collection 5pm Monday". I posted my card, drove home and surveyed my purchases from the sale.
I had bought an unused, new style, 'flat' camping stove, which is more stable than the older, 'upright' style and came with five cartridges of gas - a bargain for £5! A 'caravan' TV ariel fitted with a booster proved to be another bargain - at £1, as it has magically overcome the interference my house TV experiences when leaves on trees break up the digital signal in summer months. I'll be honest, I also bought a 'Model's changing tent'. I had no idea the manufacturers knew they were for 'models changing' and I am quite sure Kate Moss has never changed in one. I think it was £1 or maybe £2, and can be used as a changing room or maybe for another purpose.
Sufficient unto the day, I think, so I will stop here on a happy note of practical purchases and high hopes of a new, local event with great potential. In case it crops up again, I should probably mention that earlier in the week, I bought a 'sun room' on gumtree. I have not yet seen it, paid for it or collected it. It is somewhere between a greenhouse and a conservatory and is intended to house solar panels and batteries and garden plants.
Thank you for your kind offer, my address is 22 Southcote House Burghfield Rd, Southcote, Reading. RG30 3NE.