Friday, 15 May 2015

Edzell Blues

It seems I am still a bit slow to return to blogging, but - in my own defence - I am having a number of comms problems and trying to get to grips with a new laptop and Windows8.

My most recent fairs were almost two weeks ago - Then & Now in Dundee, and Fancy That? Vintage Bazaar at Edzell. Sadly, I didn't take any photos, so I am using some from previous fairs and one taken just a few days before this month's VB.
Dundee was quietish but I sold fabric and clothes which helped in my crusade to reduce my bulk! Encouraging words from a fellow stallholder gave me an impetus to try harder to promote Rural Reads, although I usually find it easier to publicise others. 
The following day was one of torrential rain throughout the country, but despite that, Fancy That's faithful followers donned their wellies and waterproofs and turned out in good spirits.
Stallholders and visitors came from near and far and the day was fun, as usual. Highlight of my day - and that of at least one other stallholder - was a pair of ladies from the North East. The joy the ladies took from their purchases is the driving force that makes traders load cars at unseemly hours with collections which make friends and families despair. Their bubbly personalities raiseed everyone's spirit on a dull day. A lovely message of appreciation that followed brightened the rest of my week and is now inspiring me to attend to this blog more conscientiously than I have been doing lately.
This month's Vintage Bazaar coincided with the annual Multiple Sclerosis Awareness campaign. The theme of the campaign is Be Bold in Blue and a number of traders dressed in blue. I made blue corsage brooches, and filled my table with blue crockery. Carol, Paul and family organised a successful tombola stall (and I have forgotten the figure raised!) In an effort to raise some publicity before the event I persuaded Nicely Eclectic's Pat to Be Bold in Blue and she kindly posed for the camera at her Meadowmill studio, in Dundee. Thank you, Pat.
This week, follow up sales from the VB and from the Redwood fair at Echt in March have added to the general atmosphere of good intentions to work harder at reducing my vast hoard of books, fabric, clothes and crockery.
If anyone is looking for books on gardening, cookery, art, crafts, Scottish language and culture or slightly older books on wildlife, agriculture, gardening, buildings; cloth - be it woolly, tweedy textiles, flowery, chintzy furnishing fabrics, fine silks and 'art.' silks or vintage tray and tablecloths, doilies, assorted nappery or aprons, just ask - please!
Now to prepare for Pitmedden, Blairgowrie and St Andrews. . .  more details in Days Ahead in sidebar.

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